We all face daunting tasks in our lives. Dad and I are gearing up to write novels, Christopher is well on his way through law-school, and Jeremy is championing the cause of the Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered community by finally taking the plunge into gender-reassignment surgery. Well, two out of three, at least.
Fear of failure is probably an inevitable part of taking big leaps into something you're not entirely comfortable or familiar with. I think the key is to shrug that fear off, and not allow it to make a slow-starter out of you. Or worse, a non-starter.
To that end, here are a couple of Tolkien quotes I'm fond of. They're nice and versatile - I can't think of any challenge in life that has a beginning and an end that these can't be applied to:
"It's a job that's never started that takes the longest to finish."
"Little by little, one travels far."
Clever dude, that Tolkien.
Not to mention that you have a sister who is a successful LEAD TITLE author, busy setting the world on fire from her farmhouse in New York, and providing encouragement and priceless words of wisdom to us.
Check it!