1. a person whose function or duty is the distribution of alms on behalf of an institution, a royal personage, a monastery, etc.
"The Almoner" is the working title for the novel I'm about to begin writing. This title may very possibly suck balls, but it's what I'm rolling with for now. I'll revisit other options after I have the thing written.
"The Almoner" is the working title for the novel I'm about to begin writing. This title may very possibly suck balls, but it's what I'm rolling with for now. I'll revisit other options after I have the thing written.
So, unless the title of this blog suddenly changes, "The Almoner" it shall be.
If you're reading this now, you're one three or four peeps who actually give a damn about how this develops, and odds are your last name is "St James". No matter who you are, welcome to my day to day chronicle of the fun and the pitfalls of grinding out a first novel.
Thanks for stopping by!
My last name is not St. James. But I still give a damn.
My last name IS St James...and I give a damn too. This is exciting. And scary. For both os us.